12 Month Journey to Wellness.

What’s included

Initial Session

During this first session with Geri, you will complete a wellness assessment, evaluate priorities and identify areas of potential growth

Working sessions

Once a month you will meet with Geri to discuss one of the building blocks to wellness and set goals around them.   Between these sessions there will be weekly check ins for support and accountability.

Evaluation, Feedback and Future Planning

This wrap up session will include a wellness re-evaluation and focus on how to continue to maintain achievements and find additional ways improve wellness on a go forward basis.

● Building Blocks for Wellness

● Building Blocks for Wellness

Over the next 12 months we will explore one area each month looking at the science supporting best practices and finding ways to optimize your health and wellness as you set and take action on goals that are important to you.  

How are you doing in each of the following areas? 

Make a commitment to your health and wellness.

Wellness Consultation


30 min consultation with Geri to establish rapport and identify areas for growth.  From here you can decide if you want to continue the journey.

1 - on - 1 Coaching

$99/hr — 3 sessions minimum

Session 1-Complete a wellness assessment and select an area for growth.

Session 2 -Identify strategies to implement positive change considering obstacles along the way and planning in advance for them. 

Session 3 - Follow up on past progress and identify next steps forward.

1 2 - Month Journey to Wellness


Wellness assessment and one 45 minute session each month working through the building blocks to wellness.  Between sessions weekly text communication to provide support and accountability.

The Keys to Health, Happiness, & Growth.


Eat Healthy

Eating healthy is a critical component to overall wellbeing including physical health and mental health. Make meaningful lifestyle changes to eating habits after exploring various diets and what they all have in common. Get practical help with pantry clean-out, grocery store exploration, meal prep strategies, reading food labels, alternate food substitutions and simple healthy recipes.


Move Freely

Our bodies were built to move and unfortunately, we spend a lot of time sitting during the day. Explore ways to move more regularly and why it is so critical to your physical and mental state. Set goals around movement and be accountable.


Sleep Soundly

Sleeping is critical to living a long and happy life. What are your sleep patterns and how do you feel in the morning? Identify reasons for poor sleep and incorporate techniques to help you sleep better and more consistently.


Breathe Deeply

Finding time in our busy lives to breathe deeply and meditate can be challenging. Explore the benefits of carving time out for this practice and get simple ideas on how to implement it on a consistent basis in your life.


Work Purposefully

Do you enjoy your career or job? Explore ideas for work that align with your purpose and passion. Make commitments to work productively each day to meet your goals and identify ways to be more successful, creative and connected at your job.


Connect Socially

Having strong social connections leads to a fuller and happier life. Creating these connections sometimes means stepping out of our comfort zone. We will brainstorm ways to cultivate existing friendships and meet and engage with new people in the most authentic way.


Communicate Clearly

Clear communication is essential to any healthy relationship. We will evaluate ways to improve communication with the people we interact with and express ourselves in a loving way. We will also discuss setting boundaries and finding the right time to have important conversations.


Love Unconditionally

Love is almost always the answer, but loving others is not always easy, especially when the other person sees things differently. We will discuss how to love others but not be co-dependent in our relationships, and how to celebrate our loved ones as they are without needing to fix or change them.


Grow Spiritually

Having a connection to a power greater than ourselves gives meaning to many peoples’ lives. What are your spiritual beliefs and how can you hone them to help you live a more fulfilling life?


Tread Lightly

A healthy environment and a healthy you are tied closely together. Learn ways to take care of the environment and implement them by making small changes in your habits. These changes will help you feel better, live healthier and save you money.


Be Happy

Happiness seems to be the ideal everyone strives for, but few people seem truly happy. Let’s look at the science behind happiness and evaluate ways to grow happier and more satisfied with the life we have.


Live Fully

Living life fully means enjoying each day while finding balance between family time, work and personal time. We will explore ways to create the life you were meant to live and embrace the uncertainty that comes with it.

1-on-1 Coaching


Kauai Wellness Retreats